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Coercion 17

Willie the Weeper

Spike undid the ropes at Xander’s ankles and watched as the boy rolled onto his side, curling in on himself. He listened as Xander's breathing evened out and his body relaxed. Spike felt his cock rise back to hardness and he took advantage of this opportunity to study Xander without the distortion of the toaster. Xander’s back was wide, his ass was nicely shaped and firm, his legs were strong and well-muscled. Spike looked forward to having those legs wrapped around his ass as he fucked the boy. 

As the vampire worked his cock, he wondered at his own restraint. If course, a blinding headache was always a mood killer. Before the damned leash, Spike would have done such lovely things to a human captive. One as pretty as Xander he would have kept around for a long time. He knew just how far he could push a body with pleasure before it broke down completely.

Just how far could he push Xander and the damned chip? Spike imagined how he wanted to wake up Xander and the things he wanted to do to him. 

Spike’s cry of pain woke Xander. He sat up to discover the vampire on his knees, clutching his head and facing away from him. “What’s wrong Spike?” 

“Fucking chip. I didn’t touch you.” 

Xander’s eyes grew wide as he realized just what Spike had said. They were both naked and still covered in the come they’d produced. And Xander had been helpless. Tied down and helpless. Spike’s chip hadn’t gone off while they were fooling around. “Spike,” he said, his voice cold. “What were you going to do?” 

“Nothing,” Spike sat up and wiped his eyes, still not facing Xander. “I was… I was wondering how far I could go. That’s all. I wasn’t going to do anything to you. I was just… remembering. And this fucking chip won’t even let me do that.” 

“It zapped you for thinking?” 

“Yeah. Bad thoughts get my brains fried.” 

“That’s so not fair.” 

Spike chuckled and levered himself up on the bed. “Tell me about it, Pet.” He gestured to his now-limp cock. “Killed my mood, too.” 

“So you were… wanking… and thinking bad thoughts?” Xander couldn’t completely suppress a shudder. 

Spike shrugged. “I’m a vampire. Been getting my jollies in ways that would make your blood run cold for over a hundred years. Can’t stop now… ‘Cept maybe I have to.” 

“Didn’t you enjoy what you, what we just did?' 

Damn, the boy got hurt easily. Spike turned to face his new lover. “Hell, yeah. But again, I’m a vampire. I’m still not used to not getting as much as I want whenever I want. It was a rare time Dru’d say no. And if she said no, or I’d not had enough, I’d go out and find someone… thing… don’t matter and get all I wanted.”

“What makes you think I can give you what you need, Spike? What’re you playing?” Xander reached for the sheets and drew them up over himself.

Spike looked levelly at the boy. He had to pull this out of the fire quick or his game was shot and he’d never get to sink his cock into that hot ass. “Xander,” he said tenderly, reaching out to cup the boy’s chin. “I’m not playing. I desire you. You as Xander. Not just you as convenient body.” He sighed and dropped his hand. “Maybe there is a reason to be grateful for this sodding chip. It’s made me stop and look around me for the first time in forever. And I see you, Xander. I see your beauty and your strength. And you can see what a bleeding pansy it’s made me.” Spike got up and started pacing. “Do you think I could buy you flowers as a joke and keep a straight face?” He ran a hand over his mussed hair. “I… I find I want you to do better for yourself. I hate your fucking parents and I want you out from under their attention. Hell, if you new how many times my chip had fired when your folks were in the house…” Spike turned at the end of his path and ran into Xander.

Xander took Spike by the shoulders and pulled him close. There was William again. The human within the monster. He couldn’t help but think that Spike could reform and fight down his demon. He hated the Initiative for what they’d done, even as he was grateful for it. “Thank you, Spike,” he said into the vampire’s neck. “No one’s ever really cared to get me out of here. Even Giles, as much as he’s helped, doesn’t know just how hard it is.”

Spike wrapped his arms around Xander, looking into the toaster at the nice Xander ass reflection. “It’ll all work out, Pet. New things are coming.”

On to Chapter 18                    To Coercion Main Page

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