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Coercion 24

Get a Transfer 


The two spent a couple of hours quietly gathering Xander’s stored belongings from the various closets where they were stored upstairs.


After two trips, his mother confronted them. “What ya doin’ Sweetie?”


“Cleaning out some junk like you’ve been waiting for me to, Mom.”  Spike noticed how Xander kept a box between himself and his tipsy mother.


“What a good boy you are,” She turned to Spike who quickly imposed his own box. “Isn’t he a good boy?”

“Oh, yes, Mrs. Harris. Xander is the best boy possible.” Xander glared at Spike over his mother’s head.


“Well. Don’t leave stuff in a mess. I have to get to the washer, you know. And put anything you don’t want in the yard sale pile.”


“Yes, Mom.” The yard sale pile for the yard sale which never had or would happen once loomed precariously in the basement. When Xander discovered himself banished down there, he’d gone through all the junk, neatly boxing that which was worth selling, and quietly throwing away the moldy and broken bits. He’d been mentally inventorying what was there and knew just what he wanted to take for his new, empty kitchen.


After sorting through boxes for a while, the two settled in to sleep one last night on the uncomfortable sofa bed. 




Oz showed up shortly after one with a stack of broken-down boxes and a roll of packing tape. Oz had no plans that day, and so helped Spike pack away Xander’s few possessions. Before Xander’s parents came home for the day, Oz made many trips out to his van, taking neatly labeled boxes.


As he packed books, Oz paused and looked at Spike, meeting his eyes. “We’ve been researching the Initiative,” he said.


“Who has?”


“Willow and I. They’re a danger. There are more reports of people going missing and moving out of town in the paper lately.”


Spike’s brow knitted. “That doesn’t sound right. Humans should be safer, what with them going around capturing every… thing and chipping them.” Oz just nodded and fitted a handful of books in his box. “Then they’ve gone beyond anything Riley’s leaked to us. Damn it.”


“We’ve found a way into their database. We think we’ve found way to take them down.”


Spike mechanically continued to take clothes from a drawer and put them in a box, finding comfort in the motion. “And my chip?” he said after a while. They’d talked about it when Oz had visited before.


“Nothing, yet. I’m sorry.”


“It’s all right. I appreciate you telling me. If I can be of any help, let me know.” Oz nodded again.


Oz continued to make trips out to the van with boxes through the sunshine. As soon as Xander got home, he and Oz wrestled the chair out to the van despite Spike’s protests. “I’m stronger then both of you, wait until after dark and…”


“Spike. Do you want to explain to my mother why we’re taking it out?”


“Um, good point. I’ll just sit here and be decorative, shall I?” Spike flopped on the couch and listened to the grunts and curses as Xander moved the awkward chair. Oz, as usual was quiet but for the occasional directional comment. The thought that Xander cursed like that sometimes during sex, followed by the unbidden speculation if Oz was the same, made Spike grow hard. Spike gauged how long it would take the two to muscle the chair into the van and whipped out his cock for a quick wank.


When the two humans returned, they found Spike sprawled on the couch, smirking. Xander flopped down next to him to leave room for Oz. “Happy to be not working, Spike?”


“Yeah, that’s it.”


Oz leaned forward and raised an eyebrow at Spike who chuckled. Xander missed the exchange and nodded to the small pile of boxes that was left. “That the last of it?”


“Far as I could tell,” Spike answered. “You may want to take a look around. Anything I was uncertain of, I left.”


Xander went looking and found a roll of posters. “These are mine!” He unrolled the outer one. It showed a large-breasted woman wearing a bikini and a tool belt as she suggestively fondled a power drill. “Willow gave me this three years ago. I’ll finally have a place to hang it.”


Spike snorted. “Maybe Willow’d like it back now.”


“Funny, Spike.”


“Xander,” Oz said quietly, catching his friend’s attention. “Willow and Tara offered to come over tonight to help unpack.”


“Are they bringing gifts?” Spike put in.


Oz shrugged. “Maybe, but Willow wondered what to say if they ran into Buffy. We know you’ve not been getting along with her lately.”


Xander rolled the posters tighter. “I… I don’t mind Buffy, really. It’s gonna be strange when she finds out about…” he looked at Spike and shrugged.


“She doesn’t hafta know,” Spike insisted. “I don’t mind her around ‘cause then it’s gonna be some place we can kick her out of. But I don’t want soldier boy in my digs.”


Xander crossed his arms and mock-glared at Spike. “Your digs?”


“Well, I gotta go through them to get to my closet.”


Xander found a rubber band and slipped it around the posters before answering. “I agree with Spike, actually. For once.” Spike smirked. “If everyone’s going to be over, maybe we should call Giles as well.”


Oz nodded and picked up the phone. As he talked, Spike went to his roommate. “Everyone over tonight? What about christening the place?”


“If they all come over tonight, we won’t have to plan anything for later. Or worry about surprise drop ins.”


“I like the way you think, Pet.”


Oz hung up the phone. “They’ll come over later. Tara has a late class. Willow will call Giles and then talk to Buffy and tell her the plan.”


“Um, how are you, um, three getting along?” Xander asked, wanting to know before the situation came up.


“It’s good. I miss being with Willow, and I still love her. But she’s so happy. You’re right, Spike, Tara is someone special.”


Xander made a last look around and declared the last of it boxed. He’d filled out the yard sale pile, replacing the boxes he’d taken with empty ones underneath. For show, he’d put a few new ones on top. He picked up one of the few boxes left and hefted it. “Shall we get the last of it, Oz?”


Soon, the last of it was loaded. Xander came back in by himself. Spike grinned. “We outta here?”


Xander threw a heavy packing blanket over Spike’s head, joining him under it for a minute. “This heavy enough to get you to the van?” he asked, standing nose to nose with Spike.”


Spike couldn’t resist running a hand over Xander’s crotch, “Plenty heavy, Love. Let’s go.”


They’d managed to leave some room for Spike in the sunless back of the van, but it wasn’t much. Spike cursed and bitched from where he was crouched the whole way.

On to Chapter 25                    To Coercion Main Page

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