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Coercion 29

If We Knew


A couple of days later, Giles called them all to his house for a meeting. Willow, Tara, and Oz were there when Spike and Xander arrived. They sat side-by side on the couch, not quite touching. Buffy came in soon after, Initiative beeper on her hip. She greeted everyone and even made an effort to smile at Spike.


“Would anyone like some tea?” Giles counted nods. “Spike, there’s some blood for you.”


“That’s very nice of you, Watcher.”


“Oh, I was looking through a box and found some pictures of my family home. Have I ever shown them to you?” Giles said, picking up a small stack of pictures.


Heads were shaken all around. He handed the pictures to Xander and Spike leaned over to see them, too. The first two were of a pretty country house and gardens. The third picture was actually an index card. On it was written, “Play along. Say nothing. Ignore Willow.”


Spike saw Xander’s mouth open and jumped in, shifting to the next photo. “Is this you in short pants?”


“My cousin, actually. Spike, would you like to heat your blood?” He arched a brow at the vampire.


“Oh, yeah, sure.”


The photos made their way to Buffy, Oz, then to Tara. Even though they were in on the plan, they had not seen the pictures. Willow was quietly reading something under her breath. “It looks like a peaceful place,” Tara said.


“It is lovely in the spring, I quite miss it,” Giles said through the opening between kitchen and living room. He turned and bumped into Spike who was getting down a mug. “Not that one,” Giles said, taking the rounded mug with a British flag on it from Spike.


Spike sighed and took down the garish yellow mug with “Kiss the Librarian” on it. “Where did this ugly thing come from, anyway?”


“Principal Flutie. All the teachers got some variation of it one Christmas. The man was nice, but didn’t think things through. No wonder he got eaten.”


Spike snickered and poured blood into what he thought of as the yellow mug of humiliation.


“You sure it’s not the spell makes my skin crawl?”


Giles glared at him as the kettle whistled. “I’m sure. Now about those charges…”


“Very well. Look, I wanted to do something nice for Xander and I couldn’t leave the basement of doom during daylight hours.”


“That’s nice. About Xander…”


“You want me to back off, Watcher?”


“I want you to not play with him. Xander’s got the biggest heart in the world, and he hurts easily. He thinks he hides it with humor, but I’ve seen the pain.”


Spike met the Watcher’s eyes and nodded. “See the risk taker there, Ripper? Don’t worry, the boy’s safe with me.”


“Good, then I don’t have to make repeated threats about staking you if you hurt him. What sort of payment plan works for you?”


Spike sighed. “It’s poker night next Wednesday. Get it for you then.” He snuck a peek out into the living room as the microwave whirred.


Everyone was chatting about Oz’s travels as Willow cast a handful of dust into the air and clapped her hands twice. The lights flickered and everyone’s skin crawled with static. “There. That should do it. No Initiative bugs should be able to hear through the static.”


Giles came in with a tray of cups and Spike cupped the hot mug in his hands.  “How long should it last?”


“Maybe half an hour.”


“Good. Let’s get right to it.” Tara opened her book bag and handed out packets of neatly clipped papers. Xander recognized Willow’s work right away. “There are some disturbing statistics about the number of people vanishing vs. demons in the area.”


“That’s chart one,” Willow put in.


“Thank you, Willow. There are more vanishings lately despite the Initiative taking out so many… HST’s.”


“The chart shows the numbers from the past two months and from the same months last year.” Willow explained.


“I like how you color coded it,” Xander smiled, knowing Willow would stop elaborating once she got praise.


“This isn’t right. Maybe… maybe more people are moving away. I hear land is cheap farther east.” Buffy said.


“That’s because it’s desert,” Giles said patiently. “No, these are disappearances. By your own reports, there’ve been fewer and fewer demons found by you.”


“It’s true.”


“What about by the Initiative, Buffy?”


She bit her lip. “I can’t tell you.”


Giles sighed. “Buffy, if what we suspect is true, this so-called government installation is taking innocent humans into their… lair. And God only knows what is happening to them.”


“I don’t know.” She crossed her arms stubbornly, which told them all she did know, but wouldn’t tell.


Giles knelt down before her. “Buffy, please. These people have proven themselves to be cruel and uncaring. Remember they wanted to take Willow because Spike may have turned her?” Buffy’s lip trembled. “You may not care for Spike, but you’ve not heard everything he witnessed.”


“That’s right,” Spike put in. “I saw them drag a number of folks in who never hurt anyone. Well, demon folks, but nice enough. Jerry who ran the Quick Stop for one. Fujkle demon. Worked the night shift. They got him right where he worked.”


“Buffy. What if they decided I may be contaminated because a vampire is… my roommate?” Xander asked. “They may just disappear me and make me one of those numbers.”


“I’m a werewolf. I bet they’d love to study me,” Oz put in quietly.


“But I promised,” Buffy said. “I can’t tell.”


Giles got up and walked away from her, turning his back. “Very well. It is your Slayer’s duty to protect the innocent. All I can ask is that you keep your eyes open.”


“I don’t know what I can learn. They don’t let me down below anymore.”


“Oh? Why is that?’


“I don’t know, Giles. Lately Riley is… he’s been pushing me away. I think maybe they’ve learned all they can about me and don’t need me anymore.”


“Don’t you see, Buffy? That puts you at risk. Maybe greater risk than anyone.”


They watched Buffy’s eyes grow wide as she thought this through. “My God, you’re right.”


Buffy’s pager suddenly beeped, making  them all jump. “It’s gone,” Willow said miming tossing dust.


“No, I think the school where I went as a child is still there.” Giles picked up. “Did you see it in your travels, Oz?”


“I didn’t go that far south.”


Buffy stared at her pager. It showed six missed calls. “I… I’ve got to go. It was great catching up with you. Let’s do this again soon.” She looked again at the chart, her brow furrowed as she handed it back.


“Be careful on patrol, Buffy,” Giles said, which was echoed by the others.


“I will. Thanks guys.” She looked them all in the eye, even Spike, and left.


The rest of them sat about for a while, enjoying one another’s company and catching up. Xander and Spike left after the vampire got bored and almost molested Xander on his way out of the bathroom, embarrassing Giles and Xander, and causing the girls to giggle. Oz just nodded and gave Spike a thumbs up.

On to Chapter 30                    To Coercion Main Page

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