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Coercion 4

The Old Astronomer to His Pupil

Xander kept waking up all night, thinking he heard Spike come in. Finally, the sun rose, and Xander tried to dismiss this. It wasn’t the first time Spike had holed up somewhere else, come back the next night with fresh tears in his clothes, and dust on his duster. “He’s fine. He went out and got drunk and decided he’d rather find a girl, which is just what he should do. I should, too. I’m not so hard up I have to take on a… skinny… (lean)… dead… (drop dead)… gorgeous…” Xander mumbled to his pillow. “Tonight, after work… oh hell. Tomorrow, after looking for a job, I’ll go out and find a nice non-demon to date. A nice non-demon girl.”

After fretting and attempting to sleep for another hour, Xander got up and went out in search of girls and distraction.


Spike moodily stared into the empty fireplace at the old mansion on Crawford street. The place was still marked as belonging to Angelus, and most local baddies knew better than to mess with it. Spike knew Peaches would never come back here, and didn’t care if he did. He was family, after all. Spike used it as a crash pad on a regular basis.

He drained his third bottle of Jack for the night and sent it crashing into the fireplace. “Bloody idiot. I sodded that right up! He smelt so good and was so warm… I pushed too far and he’ll have had Red uninvity me.” Spike captured another bottle from a sack and wrestled the cap off. He guzzled a mouthful and stumbled back to the dusty couch. “He’ll have the Slayer stake me. ‘An make me go back to the Watcher’s. Bloody fool. He don’t know what he’s passing up. William the Bloody’s the best damn lover of woman… or man out there!” He swigged the amber liquid again, sliding low on the sofa. “’s been a while... since a guy… Angel…” Spike slipped into what would have been an alcoholic coma in a human, and the bottle slipped to the floor to quietly gurgle out as much of its contents as it could.


Xander headed to campus with the pretence of looking at the jobs posting board. While he was there, he figured he may as well look up Willow or Buffy. Finding neither, he headed to Giles’ house. Maybe Spike had returned there. The fact that his path took him through several cemeteries and promising crypts was a coincidence.

He knocked at the heavy door and waited. After getting no answer, he peered in the tiny window to see if maybe the vamp… Watcher was asleep on the couch.

“Why don’t you just walk in like you normally do?” Giles said, making Xander spin guiltily away from the window.

“Giles! I was... I was looking for Spike.”

Giles’ eyebrows crumpled together behind his glasses. “Spike? Why are you looking for Spike? And why are you looking for him here?”

“Um… he ran off last night and I… I donno. I wondered where he went.”

Giles sighed and unlocked the door. “I don’t know Xander, I’ve blessedly not seen him for a week.”


“Why aren’t you at the docks?”

“They fired me. I got hurt twice in too short a time and they sent me home. Both times I was keeping someone else form getting hurt. So unfair.”

“It’s not a safe place to work, anyway. How were you injured? You appear to be fine.”

“Oh, the first time I wrenched my back and yesterday it was my shoulder but Spike fixed it both times.”

Giles looked confused. “Spike fixed your injuries?”

“Yeah. He’s… he’s good with his hands,” Xander admitted, blushing. "Who knew?"

“I guess it makes sense. He has an intimate knowledge of how the body works. If one knows torture, it must follow one may very well know healing.”

“That’s what he said. Only he didn’t put it quite like that. That’s what I wanted to ask you about.” Xander flopped down in the familiar chair.


“Vampires. And… not causing pain.”

“Oh.” Giles sat down and took off his glasses, dangling them in one hand. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “So, what exactly do you want to know?”

“It’s just because of the whole Buffy and Angel thing, but Spike keeps teasing me about… about humans and vampires. He keeps saying how great a lover a vampire would make.”

Giles sat up straight and put his glasses back on. “Good lord! Is he attempting to seduce you?”

“No! No! Nothing like that. I mean, why would Spike come after me? I’m just a schmuck who can’t keep a job. When we watch… movies… he keeps up a running commentary of ‘go vampires!’ A vampire could do this better and that longer and… What?”

“I shouldn’t ask, but why are you watching porn with Spike?”

“P-p-porn? No! Just action flicks! Adventure! Bombs and Bond! Great busty chicks! Bosoms!”

“Oh, good. Now, what was your question?”

“Is it true? I mean, you’ve read the Watcher’s dairies, you know the top hush hush. Are vampires better lovers than humans?”

“Good lord, Xander. Watcher’s do not address such issues.”

“They’re all British, huh?”

Giles sighed, knowing from his tone that Xander wouldn’t drop it. “I suppose… given what is known about vampire constitution, and their… inclinations. Add in their lack of moral fiber, I would speculate that a vampire could, under the right circumstances, prove a most… satisfying lover. Not that any information on such things exists.” Xander chose to ignore Giles’ furious polishing of his glasses.

“So. I shouldn’t tease the Spike.”

“What? Good lord, no. Why would you anyway?”

“Well, he fixed my shoulder and I was sitting there with my shirt off and I told him he should buy me flowers before we went any further. He got mad and left,” Xander lied.

“Oh. I see. He probably left before he gave in to the urge to try to hurt you and thus set his chip off.”

“You’re probably right.” Xander stood up. “If he comes by, tell him he can come back and stay in the chair. I was joking. I mean, me and Spike…” Xander laughed and quickly left.

Giles peered after the boy, attempting to puzzle out the true meaning of the strange visit. If it was anyone but Spike and Xander, he would have sworn the boy was lying. He knew Xander had gotten into the dairies and books he attempted to keep hidden from underage eyes long ago. And when Anyanka had asked him to the prom, Giles had copied him chapters from a book on the topic of demons and sex. From his questions, Giles wished he'd copied the pages about vampires as well.


The sun went down and a figure moaned on Crawford street. “Oh, bloody hell…” Spike scooped up the half-empty bottle, took a slug of dog hair and flung the bottle into the fireplace.

On to Chapter 5

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